The Centre for Solution Focused Practice


Thinking matters

‘Several studies have shown that a belief in the disease model of addiction increases the probability of relapse. And that shouldn’t be surprising. If you think that you have a chronic disease, how hard are you going to work to get better?’ Marc Lewis (2016)

Respect and humility

Henri-Frederic Amiel puts these two words, respect and humility, both key to Solution Focused practitioners together. They spark off some interesting thoughts.

Where to guv?

Is the taxi-driver analogy useful in high-lighting some of the key features of the Solution Focused approach? At BRIEF we think so.

Was Steve right?

Does Solution Focused Brief Therapy have a theory of change and if we do does that theory of change adequately serve our purposes? Evan briefly explores this question inspired by Mark McKergow's workshop at the 2016 UKASFP Conference in Swansea.


Anything that prompts the client to say that ‘things are better’ needs to be identified as verification of change, and anything that is new or different or more effective that the client reports needs to be encouraged or amplified.

Straightening the line

If you want to get from point A to point B, but know no details of the terrain in between, the best thing to do is to assume that you can go from A to B by following a straight line.


Featured Video

What is SF - a 2020 version of the approach


July 9, 2020