A view of ‘the relationship’ in Solution Focused Practice
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.
Within 10 minutes walk of BRIEF.
Currently the home of the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Shakespeare Company. Also houses a film theatre and a gallery.Click the link above to find out what is on.
Re-opened and re-housed (1999) collection. Pre-raphaelites and paintings with a London connection. 250 pictures on show at any time from the extensive collection.
Rogers' home for a great financial institution attracts huge interest. "This is not a tower block . . . more like a vertical street . . . this building is functionally and aesthetically a living a breathing machine." (London: A Guide to Recent Architecture. Ellipsis: London: 1999)
The Museum of London is the world's largest urban history museum with 1.1 million objects and Europe's largest archaeological archive. The Museum's collections are its richest resource. They contain the material remains of London's vast, complex past and are an inspirational source of knowledge.
Saint Bartholomew the Great, Cloth Fair.
Originally a monastery, founded in 1123 by a courtier of Henry 1 in thanks for surviving malaria on a visit to Rome. "The most impressive Norman remains in Inner London after the Tower of London" (Simon Jenkins: England's Thousand Best Churches. Penguin Books: London: 2000)
The cathedral is within easy walking distance of the Practice. Expect to have to pay if you want to visit.
BRIEF is just yards from the Market, a living, lively, busy, bustling coming and going.
Within 30 minutes' Walk of BRIEF.
Walk across the bridge to the Tate Modern and Bankside.
The reconstructed-original Shakespearian theatre has both a programme of plays and a permanent exhibition.
Somerset House houses the Courtauld Gallery and the Gilbert Collection, whilst the enclosed plaza has already become one of London's exciting new reclaimed spaces.
Including the Royal Festival Hall, Hayward Gallery and Queen Elizabeth Hall. Find out what's on.
The success story of London's millennium project - well apart from the London Eye that is. Late night Friday.
This marks the place where the Fire of London started in 1666 and is the world's tallest free standing stone column (202 ft high). Great views of the City. Open from 9.00 a.m. Monday to Friday
Independently-minded and 'said to be' influential modern art gallery. Check web-site for exhibition programme.
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.