A view of ‘the relationship’ in Solution Focused Practice
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.
BRIEF has worked extensively in Schools and in Education Services throughout the UK. We have also worked in the International School sector in Germany, (Berlin, Frankfurt, Augsburg and Stuttgart), South Korea, Spain, Serbia and Switzerland following the attendance of very many International School staff on our programmes in London.
Training courses, team-focused work with staff groups even a two-day conference with plenaries and workshops for a Behaviour Support Service of 250 people have all been delivered.
In addition to School-based events BRIEF has run many courses over 20 years on the Solution Focused approach for teachers, pastoral staff, behaviour support staff, educational psychologists, education social workers, learning mentors and senior educational managers and advisors.
BRIEF has been at the heart of developing Education-based applications for the Solution Focused approach in the UK – anything and everything from 5 minute staff-room conversations to Solution Focused peer counselling, to positive gossiping, corridor power, going Beyond ‘Well Done’, to Solution Focused Behaviour Management.
To discuss the contribution that Solution Focused training could make to your school, service or department email BRIEF info to discuss your training needs and of course we can arrange for a member ofg the BRIEF team to ring you back.
‘Just letting you know that I've had most of my follow-up meetings with the schools attending the course and the response has been amazing! The course was "the best course" many have ever been on! And, there are lots of ideas already being tried. The enthusiasm is quite incredible and ideas already being used include, "just changing the way of speaking and thinking (just?)", solution-focused whole school assemblies, lots of using scales, interviewing staff, whole classes being taught to use scales, and ideas for the future include peer mentoring, training all heads of year and deputy heads of year for use with pupils, appraisal, designing modules for PHSE lessons, training school councils, using solution-focused questions at the beginning of staff meetings to boost morale in the run-up to inspections, to name but a few….. Many have taken an approach of using it themselves and pulling others into the process, while introducing specific and targeted training for key personnel when it's a "good time" and relevant for them and the school. An excellent start and lots and lots of positive gossip for you including, fantastic presentation, excellent mix of activities, everyone made to feel comfortable and relaxed, relevant material, "not a minute where we weren't engaged", excellent examples to illustrate, practice sessions being really useful……….lots of feedback about the food too….not so positive though!’
Manon Edwards
Educational Psychologist
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.