The Centre for Solution Focused Practice

BRIEF is moving on-line

In the context of the current crisis face-to-face work, whether that be therapy, coaching, consulting, supervising or training are no longer possible. For the foreseeable future we have decided that the only responsible thing to do is to move our work on-line. We have already started delivering agency-based training (and it is working well), and we are also delivering therapy and coaching and supervision both individually and in group form.
Our programme is to be modified as a result of these changes and news of these changes will be emerging over the days and weeks to come.
If you would like to be kept in touch with these changes through our mail-outs please email  us to request that your name be added to the list of people interested in our work and wanting regular updates.


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What is SF - a 2020 version of the approach


July 9, 2020