The Centre for Solution Focused Practice

Journal of Solution Focused Practices New Edition

Journal of Solution Focused Practices


Editorial Volume 8 Number 1 Mark McKergow

Empirical research papers

How Does Solution-Focused Management Influence Followership Behavior in Japan? Minoru Nishinbo

Fear of COVID-19 and Psychological Adjustment Among International Students: Solution-Focused Thinking as a Moderator  Aman Sado Elemo


SFBT Is Now the Most Commonly Used Therapy in Finland: Interview With Peter Sundman, Ben Furman and Riitta Malkamäki  Mark McKergow

The State of Solution Focused Practices and Research in Iran: Interview With Dr Roghieh Nooripour  Andreea M ?ak and Mark McKergow

Opinion piece

A Solution Focused Approach in Times of War: Views From the Inside  Victoria Spashchenko

Research review

Solution-Focused Practices: Pick of the (Other) Papers 8/1  Andreea M ?ak, Rytis Pakrosnis and Mark McKergow

Book reviews

Moving From Problem to Solution: Solutions-Focused Approach for Managers, and for Others Too by Victoria Spashchenko  Andrew Gibson

The Relational Workplace: How Relational Intelligence Grows Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive Cultures of Connection by Saliha Bava and Mark Greene  Julio Principe

Solution Focused Team Coaching: Second Edition by Kirsten Dierolf, Cristina Mühl, Carlo Perfetto and Rafal Szaniawski  Louise Bower

Solution Focused Trifecta: A Guide to Being Solution Focused. Workbook for School Counsellors by Joe George  Lisa Blond Booth

The Therapist’s Use of Self: Being the Catalyst for Change in Couple and Family Therapy by Matthew D Selekman  Anita Volkert

Solution-Focused Counseling in Schools, 4th Edition by John J Murphy  Katalin Hankovszky-Christiansen (plus German translation)

Opportunities in Solution-Focused Interviewing: Clients’ Key Words and Therapists’ Responses by Joel K Simon and Lance Taylor  Anne-Marie Wulf




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What is SF - a 2020 version of the approach


July 9, 2020