A view of ‘the relationship’ in Solution Focused Practice
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.
Book Sale – Spring 2025
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Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 100 Key Ideas and Techniques.
Ratner, H., George, E., Iveson, C.
London: Routledge: 2012
paper back £15.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon at £22.75 reduced from the publisher’s cost of £24.99
"This book is a small treasure... By using short, easy-to-read chapters, the book explains their approach and covers some difficult ground in an approachable style...” John Wheeler and Alex Millham, Context
Brief Coaching: a Solution Focused approach.
Iveson. C., George, E., Ratner, H.
London: Routledge: 2012
paper back £15.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon at £28.75 whilst the publisher currently has a reduced cost of £23.19
"This book offers the expertise of leading solution focused therapists for an audience that is interested in how to take a solution focused approach to their coaching work. When resources are tight, a BRIEF approach offers a well researched way of making the most from coaching interventions." Carole Pemberton, Executive Coach and author of Coaching to Solutions
Brief Coaching with Children and Young People: a Solution Focused approach.
Ratner, H., Yusuf, D.
London: Routledge: 2015
paper back £22.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon at £34.94 reduced from the publisher’s cost of £35.99
"I have found this book to be both practical and inspiring." – Pat Havell, ACP North London Magazine
Solution Focused Practice in Schools: 80 Ideas and Strategies
Ajmal, Y., Ratner, H.
London: Routledge: 2020
paper back £16.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon for £24 reduced from the publisher’s cost of £24.99. “Invaluable, inspiring and accessible guide for all teachers” – Sue Ellis, Tutor and Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL Institute of Education, UK
Escape from Babel: Toward a Unifying Language for Psychotherapy Practice
Barry Duncan, Mark Hubble, Scott Miller
New York: Norton 1997
2 copies one new and one ex-BRIEF library
HARDCOVER NEW £14.00 + postage and packing
HARDCOVER ex-BRIEF library excellent condition £8.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon at £23.00 reduced from the publisher’s cost of £26.50
‘Highly recommend for any psychotherapist out there. Must read, good foundation for students and professionals in the field. It's time we all focus on what actually works!’
Becoming Miracle Workers: Language and Meaning in Brief Therapy
Gale Miller
Aldine: 1997
Paperback: New in plastic wrap: £18.00 + postage and packing
Paperback: Ex-library with some stains and marks on cover: text itself in excellent condition: £5.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available new on Amazon at £42.99.
"Miller's clear and well-written descriptions provide clinicians with a behind-the-mirror' view of social constructionism in action."
Solution-Focused Management
Gunter Lueger and Hans-Peter Korn
Munich: Rainer-Hampp Verlag: 2006
«The Solution-Focused Approach developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg has been well established across many areas of society. In this book, the practical uses of solution-focused work in companies and management are shown. By means of conceptual contributions, as well as many case studies and projects in practice, current developments in Leadership, Marketing and Sales, Project Management, Work Design, Human Resources, Organisational Development and Learning, Training and Coaching, as well as Conflict Management are described. In addition, we also present empirical studies on the effect of solution-focused work in enterprises.»
Solution-Focused Helper: Ethics and Practice in Health and Social Care
Trish Walsh
Maidenhead: Open University Press: 2010
NEW: paperback £14.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available on Amazon for £25.00 reduced from the publisher’s cost of £26.99. Trish Walsh is a researcher and educator in the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College, Dublin.
Brief Coaching for Lasting Solutions
Insoo Kim Berg and Peter Szabo
Norton: 2005
1 copy remaining:
New: £12.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available new on Amazon at £20.00 new.
"Brief Coaching for Lasting Solutions teaches coaches how to conduct conversations that are most useful to clients in achieving their goals within a brief period of time. The authors, two of the leading practitioners of the brief coaching method, masterfully guide readers through the steps of this process–from the initial meeting to follow-up sessions to troubleshooting setbacks–while illustrating essential skills with ample case examples.This book is written for coaches who want to reduce the time it takes to provide effective coaching while making the best use possible of resources the client brings to the table. At the same time it is written for the benefit of today’s clients, so many of whom want to avoid coaching that is time-intensive and costly, and instead seek coaching that is organized, efficient, and affordable.Whether your clients seek a solution to a specific problem or strive toward a more general life goal, this invaluable resource will put you on the path to brief coaching success.»
Creative Strategies for School Problems
Michael Durrant
Norton 1995
2 copies:
Ex-BRIEF library spare copy: Hardback: as if unread condition £ 12.00 + postage and packing
Ex-library original self-published edition: very acceptable conditions: no marking on text: £ 5.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available new on Amazon at £36.62 new.
»A practical guide to becoming solution-focused and constructing solutions in brief therapy. At the core of the book is a sequence of skill-building chapters that cover all aspects of construction solutions. Each chapter explains and demonstrates a particular skill with discussion and exercises.»
«Michael is one of the early Sf Brief Therapists who sees SF the way that we do at BRIEF. I guess that that is meant as a compliment.»
Evan George
Becoming Solution-Focused in Brief Therapy
John Walter and Jane Peller
Brunner-Mazel: 1992
Sold out
This book is currently available new on Amazon at £38.84 new.
»A practical guide to becoming solution-focused and constructing solutions in brief therapy. At the core of the book is a sequence of skill-building chapters that cover all aspects of construction solutions. Each chapter explains and demonstrates a particular skill with discussion and exercises.»
«I have always liked this book and think that John and Janes approach to the model fits with the later BRIEF developments.»
Evan George
Recreating Brief Therapy
John Walter and Jane Peller
Norton: 2000
1 copy:
Ex-BRIEF library spare copy: Hardback: good condition: mark on cover and Brief Therapy Practice written on inside page £ 12.00 + postage and packing
This book is currently available new on Amazon at £26.57 new.
»Emerging out of the traditions of Ericksonian, strategic, and solution-focused therapies, this book redescribes and reconceives brief therapy in light of postmodern and pragmatic thinking. The result is personal consultation, with a focus on conversation and inquiries that gently guide the pursuit of desire. This approach embraces a diversity of longings, goals, and ways of being in the world. The key question, underlying both the authors' research and their consultative conversations, is 'How can we create a space for dialogue and wonder, where purpose, preferences, and possibilities can emerge?'
This question leads to many others, which form the basis for the chapters of the book. Each inquiry is illustrated by case excerpts that show where this approach diverges from strategic and solution-focused questioning. The situations are difficult--crack addiction, marital separation, suicidal despair, etc.--and yet the consultant's stance of being 'curious with' the client leads to signs of hope and pathways toward a better future. In this pragmatic approach, previously unspoken desires take precedence over goals set by others, and what is preferred becomes possible.»
«This is a truly excellent text that fits with the later BRIEF developments.»
Evan George
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.