The Centre for Solution Focused Practice


Ajmal, Yasmin, Rees, Ioan (Eds.) (2001) Solutions in Schools: creative applications of solution focused brief thinking with young people and adults. London: BT Press.

Berg, Insoo Kim (1991 and revised 1999) Family Preservation: A brief therapy workbook. London: BT Press.

Berg, Insoo Kim (1994) Family Based Services: a solution-focused approach. New York: Norton.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Miller, Scott (1992) Working with the Problem Drinker: a solution focused approach. New York: Norton.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Reuss, Norman (1997) Solutions Step by Step: a substance abuse treatment manual. New York: Norton & Wylie.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Kelly, Susan (2000) Building Solutions in Child Protective Services. NY: Norton.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Dolan, Yvonne (2001) Tales of Solution: a collection of hope inspiring stories. New York: Norton.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Steiner, Therese (2003) Children’s Solution Work. New York: Norton.

Berg, Insoo Kim and Szabo, Peter (2005) Brief Coaching for Lasting Solutions. New York; Norton.

Berquez, Ali and Jeffery, Martha (2024 forthcoming) Solution Focused Brief Therapy with Children and Young People who Stammer and their Parents: A Practical Guide from the Michael Palin Centre  London: Routledge

Beumer-Peeters, Caroline (2021) Solution Focused Coaching for Adolescents: Overcoming Emotional and Behavioral Problems. London: Routledge

Bliss, E. Veronica and Edmonds, Genevieve (2008) A Self-Determined Future with Aspergers Syndrome: solution focused approaches. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Blundo, Robert and Simon, Joel (2016) Solution-Focused Case Management. New York: Springer.

Burns, Kidge (2nd edition, 2016) Focus on Solutions: a health professional's guide London: SolutionsBooks.

Burns, Kidge and Northcott, Sarah (2023) Working with Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Healthcare Settings London: Routledge

Cade, Brian and O’Hanlon, Bill (1993) A Brief Guide to Brief Therapy. New York: Norton.

Cauffman, Louis  (2022)  Developing and Sustaining a Successful Family Business: A Solution-Focused Guide  London: Routledge

Cauffman, Louis  (2023)  Creating Sustainable Results with Solution-Focused Applied Psychology: A Practical Guide for Coaches and Change Facilitators  London: Routledge

Cauffman, Louis and Weggeman Mathieu (2024) Solution-Focused Applied Psychology: A Design Science Research Based Protocol  London: Routledge

Connie, Elliott and Metcalf, Linda (Eds.) (2009) The Art of Solution Focused Therapy. NY: Springer.

Connie, Elliott (2013) Solution Building Couples Therapy. New York: Springer.

Connie, Elliott (2013) The Solution Focused Marriage: 5 simple habits that will bring out the best in your relationship. Keller, Texas: The Connie Institute.

Connie, Elliott and Froerer, Adam (2023)  The Solution Focused Diamond: A new approach to SFBT that will empower both practitioners and client to achieve the best outcome. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House Inc.

Davis, Thomas and Osborn, Cynthia. (2000) The Solution-Focused School Counsellor: Shaping Professional Practice. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis

de Shazer, Steve (1982) Patterns of Brief Therapy: An Eco-systemic Approach. New York: Guildford.

de Shazer, Steve (1985) Keys to Solution in Brief Therapy. New York: Norton.

de Shazer, Steve (1988) Clues: Investigating Solutions in Brief Therapy. New York: Norton.

de Shazer, Steve (1991) Putting Difference to Work. New York: Norton.

de Shazer, Steve (1994) Words were Originally Magic. New York: Norton.

de Shazer, Steve, Dolan, Yvonne, Korman, Harry, Trepper, Terry, MacCollum, Eric and Berg, Insoo Kim (2007) More Then Miracles: the state of the art of solution focused therapy. New York: Haworth.

DeJong, Peter and Berg, Insoo Kim (4th edition, 2013) Interviewing for Solutions. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole.

Dierolf, Kirsten,  Hogan, Debbie, van der Hoorn, Svea and Wignaraja Sukanya (Eds) (2020) Solution Focused Practice Around the World  London: Routledge

Dierolf, Kirsten, Mühl, Cristina, Perfetto, Carlo and  Szaniawski Rafal (2024) Solution Focused Team Coaching  London: Routledge

Kirsten Dierolf, Svea van der Hoorn, Debbie Hogan, Jane Tuomola (eds) (2025) Solution Focused Coaching Supervision: An Essential Guide for Individual, Group, Peer and Team Coaching Supervision. Routledge, London.

Dobud, Will W. and Natynczuk Stephan (2023)  Solution-Focused Practice in Outdoor Therapy: Co-Adventuring for Change  London: Routledge

Dolan, Yvonne (1991) Resolving Sexual Abuse. New York: Norton.

Dolan ,Yvonne (2000) Beyond Survival. London: BT Press.

Dolan, Yvonne (2024) Solution-Focused Therapy: The Basics  London: Routledge

Duncan, L., Ghul, R., Mousley, S.  (2007)  Creating Positive Futures: Solution Focused Recovery from Mental Distress.  London: BT Press

Durrant, Michael (1993) Residential Treatment. New York: Norton.

Durrant, Michael (1995) Creative Strategies for School Problems. New York: Norton.

Durrant, Michael (2024) Solution Focused Practice: How do you do that? NSW, Australia: Kurrajong Press.

Fiske, Heather (2008) Hope in Action: solution focused conversations about suicide. New York: Routledge.

Franklin, Cynthia, Trepper, Terry S., Gingerich, Wallace J., and McCollum, Eric E. (Eds.) (2012) Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.

Franklin, Cynthia, Streeter, Calvin, Webb, Linda, Guz, Samantha. (2018). Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Alternative Schools: Ensuring Student Success and Preventing Dropout. New York: Routledge.

Froerer, Adam , von Cziffra-Bergs, Jacqui , Kim, Johnny and Connie, Elliott. (2018). Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with Clients Managing Trauma. New York: Oxford University Press.

Furman, Ben and Ahola, Tapani (1992) Solution talk: hosting therapeutic conversations. New York: Norton.

Furman, Ben (1998) It’s Never Too Late To Have a Happy Childhood: from adversity to resilience. London: BT Press.

George, Evan, Iveson, Chris, and Ratner, Harvey (2nd edition, 1999) Problem to Solution: brief therapy with individuals and families. London: BT Press.

Ghul, Rayya, Duncan, Lucie and Mousley, Sarah (2006) Creating Positive Futures: solution focused recovery from mental distress. London: BT Press.

Ghul, Rayya (2015) The Power of the Next Small Step. Keller, Texas: The Connie Institute.

Hanton, Paul (2011) Skills in Solution Focused Brief Counselling & Psychotherapy. London: Sage.

Henden, John (2nd edition, 2017) Preventing Suicide: the Solution Focused Approach. West Sussex: Wiley.

Henden, John (2018) What it Takes to Survive: Techniques for severe trauma and stress recovery. London: World Scientific Pub.

Hogan, D. Hogan, Dave Tuomola, J. and Yeo, A. (2017) Solution Focused Practice in Asia London: Routledge

Hogan, Debbie Tuomola, Jane Wignaraja, Sukanya (Eds.) (2025)  Solution Focused Coaching in Asia: History, Key Concepts, Development, and Applications. New York: Routledge

Hubble,M., Duncan, B., Miller, S. (1999).  The Heart and Soul of Change. Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association.

Isebaert. Luc. (2017). Solution-Focused Cognitive and Systemic Therapy: The Bruges model. New York: Routledge.

Iveson, Chris (2nd edition, 2001) Whose Life? Working with older people. London: BT Press.

Iveson, Chris, George, Evan and Ratner, Harvey (2012) Brief Coaching: A Solution Focused Approach. London: Routledge.

Jackson, Paul Z. and McKergow, Mark (2nd edition, 2007) The Solutions Focus: making coaching & change simple. London: Nicholas Brearley International.

Jackson, Paul Z. and Waldman, Janine (2010) Positively Speaking: The art of constructive conversations with a solutions focus. St Albans: The Solutions Focus.

Jacob, Frederike (2001) Solution Focused Recovery from Eating Distress. London: BT Press.

James, Geoffrey (2016) Transforming Behaviour in the Classroom: A solution-focused guide for new teachers. London: Sage.

Johnson, Charlie and Webster, Denise (2002) Recrafting a life: solutions for chronic pain and illness. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Kim, Johnny, Kelly, Michael, Franklin, Cynthia (2008) Solution Focused Brief Therapy in Schools: a 360-degree View of Research & Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.

King, Pamela. (2017)  Tools for Effective Therapy with Children and Families: A Solution-Focused Approach. New York: Routledge.

Lee, Mo Yee, Sebold, John, Uken, Adriana (2003) Solution-Focused Treatment of Domestic Violence Offenders: accountability for change. New York: Oxford University Press.

Lethem, Jane (1994) Moved to Tears, Moved to Action: brief therapy with women and children. London: BT Press.

Lipchik, Eve (2002) Beyond Technique in Solution-Focused Therapy. New York: Guildford.

Lueger, Gunther & Korn, Hans-Peter (Eds.) (2006) Solution-Focused Management. Mering, Germany: Rainer Hampp Verlag.

Macdonald, Alasdair (2nd edition, 2011) Solution Focused Therapy: research, theory & practice. London: Sage.

Mahlberg, Kerstin and Sjoblom, Maud (2004) Solution Focused Education

Mattelin E., Volckaert, H. (2017) Autism and Solution Focused Practice. London: Jessica Kingsley.

McKergow, Mark. (2021).  The Next Generation of Solution Focused Practice: Stretching the World for New Opportunities and Progress. Abingdon: Routledge

McKergow, Mark & Clarke, Jenny (2007) Solutions Focus Working: 80 real life lessons for successful organisational change. Cheltenham: SolutionsBooks.

McKergow, Mark & Clarke, Jenny (Eds.) (2005) Positive Approaches To Change: applications of solutions focus and appreciative enquiry at work. Cheltenham: SolutionsBooks.

McVanel, Sara and Zalter-Minden, Brenda (2015) Forever Recognise Others’ Greatness: Solution-focused strategies for satisfied staff, high-performing teams & healthy bottom lines. BPS Bks.

Meier, Daniel (2005) Team Coaching with the Solution Circle: a practical guide to solutions focused team development. Cheltenham: SolutionsBooks.

Metcalf, Linda (2nd edition, 2008) Counselling Toward Solutions: a practical solution-focused program for working with students, teachers and parents. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Metcalf, Linda (1997) Parenting Toward Solutions: how parents can use skills they already have to raise responsible, loving kids. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Simon & Schuster.

Metcalf, Linda (1998) Solution Focused Group Therapy. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Metcalf, Linda (2nd edition, 2003) Teaching Toward Solutions: a solution focused guide to improving student behaviour, grades, parental support and staff morale. Arlington, Texas: Metcalf & Metcalf Family Clinic.

Metcalf, Linda (2004) The Miracle Question. Carmarthen: Crown House.

Metcalf, Linda (2009) The Field Guide to Counselling Toward Solutions: the solution focused school. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Miller, Scott, Hubble, Mark and Duncan, Barry (Eds.) (1996) Handbook of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Milner, Judith and Bateman, Jackie (2011) Working with Children and Teenagers Using Solution Focused Approaches. London: Jessica Kingsley.

Murphy, John. (2008)  Solution-Focused Counselling in Schools. Alexandria (VA): American Counseling Association (ACA).

Myers, Steve (2007) Solution Focused Approaches. Lyme Regis: Russell House.

Nelson, Thorana (Ed.) (2005) Education and Training in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy New York: Haworth.

Nelson, Thorana (Ed.) (2010) Doing Something Different: solution-focused brief therapy approaches. New York: Routledge.

Nelson, Thorana and Thomas, Frank (Eds.) (2007) Handbook of Solution Focused Brief Therapy New York: Haworth.

O’Connell, Bill (3rd edition, 2012) Solution-Focused Therapy. London: Sage.

O’Connell, Bill (2001) Solution Focused Stress Counselling. London: Continuum

O’Connell, Bill and Palmer, Stephen (Eds.) (2003) Handbook of Solution Focused Therapy. London: Sage.

O’Connell, Bill, Palmer, Stephen, and Williams, Helen (2012) Solution Focused Coaching in Practice. London: Routledge.

O’Hanlon, Bill and Beadle, Sandy (1996) A Field Guide to Possibility Land. London: BT Press.

O’Hanlon, Bill and Weiner-Davis, Michele (2nd edition, 2003) In Search of Solutions: a new direction in psychotherapy. New York: Norton.

Ouer, Rebekka (2015) Solution Focused Brief Therapy with the LGBT Community: Creating futures through hope and resilience. London: Routledge.

Pichot, Teri and Dolan, Yvonne (2002) Miracles Happen: agency based solution-focused therapy with court-mandated and other reluctant clients. New York: Haworth.

Pichot, Teri, with Smock, Sara (2009) Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment. New York: Routledge.

Ratner, Harvey, George, Evan and Iveson, Chris (2012) Solution Focused Brief Therapy: 100 Key Points and Techniques. London: Routledge.

Ratner, Harvey and Yusuf, Denise (2015) Brief Coaching with Children and Young People: a Solution Focused approach. London: Routledge.

Rhodes, John and Ajmal, Yasmin (1995) Solution Focused Thinking in Schools. London: BT Press.

Rohrig, Peter & Clarke, Jenny (Eds.) (2008) 57 SF Activities for Facilitators and Consultants: putting solutions focus into action. Cheltenham: SolutionsBooks.

Sharry, John (2nd edition, 2007) Solution-Focused Groupwork. London: Sage.

Sharry, John, Madden, Brendan, and Darmody, Melissa (2nd edition, 2012) Becoming a Solution Detective: a strengths- based guide to brief therapy. London: Routledge.

Sharry, John (2003) Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families: a strengths -based approach. London: Sage.

Shennan, Guy (2014) Solution-Focused Practice: Effective communication to facilitate change. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Simon, Joel and Nelson, Thorana (2007) Solution Focused Brief Practice with Long Term Clients in Mental Health Services: “I am more than my label” New York: Haworth.

Simon, Joel (2009) Solution Focused practice in End-of-Life and Grief Counselling. New York: Springer Publishing.

Simon, Joel and Taylor, Lance (2024) Opportunities in Solution-Focused Interviewing: Clients key words and Therapists Responses. New York: Routledge.

Szabo, Peter Meier Daniel & Dierolf Kirsten (2009) Coaching Plain and Simple: Solution-focused Brief Coaching Essentials New York: Norton

Thomas, Frank and Cockburn, Jack (1998) Competency-Based Counselling. Minn.: Fortress Press.

Thomas, Frank (2013) Solution-Focused Supervision: A Resource-Oriented Approach to Developing Clinical Expertise. New York: Springer.

Turnell, Andrew and Edwards, Steve (1999) Signs of Safety: a solution and safety oriented approach to child protection casework. New York: Norton.

Walsh, Trish (2010) The Solution-Focused Helper: Ethics and practice in health and social care. Maidenhead: Open University Books.

Walter, John and Peller, Jane (1992) Becoming Solution-Focused in Brief Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

Walter, John and Peller, Jane (2000) Recreating Brief Therapy. Preferences & Possibilities. New York: Norton.

Young, Sue (2009) Solution- Focused Schools: anti-bullying and beyond. London: BT Press.

Yusuf, D. (ed.) (2021)  The Solution Focused Approach with Children and Young People: Current Thinking and Practice.  London: Routledge


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