A view of ‘the relationship’ in Solution Focused Practice
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.
At BRIEF we teach what we do and what we do is brief. A coach can quickly become part of the furniture, comfortable, looking good but losing a sense of purpose. Brief coaching provides a well judged nudge that can turn a bad time into a good time and an OK time into something very special. If you’re feeling stuck, lost some clarity, need to find a more productive way to relate to a colleague, want to overcome a recurring difficulty or simply give your performance a boost, then 60 minutes with a BRIEF coach will more than likely do the job. Email us on info@brief.org.uk to book an online session.
The BRIEF team has experience of delivering contracts of on-going chief executive coaching, single sessions of specific issue high-impact coaching, and performance coaching negotiated over a period of time.
The Solution Focused model, within which the BRIEF team are recognised world-leaders, fits coaching perfectly. Future focused, building on each coachee’s own best ways of doing things, highly progress sensitive and resource-oriented, the approach will make the very best use of each session. Happy to work from session to session, BRIEF will give the coachee the power to decide whether to continue and exactly when enough has been achieved.
BRIEF coaches will not attempt to tell you what to do to solve your problems or difficulties – they will restrict themselves to asking questions in such a way that you will have the best chance of resolving your own issue. Just doing this, getting out of the coachee’s way, has two important effects. The first is to reduce the number of necessary contacts to the minimum and the second is to increase the likelihood that the changes made will be maintained.
BRIEF’S standard charge for each one-hour session of coaching is £120.00.
If you want to know more about our work you can get hold of our book Brief Coaching: a Solution Focused Approach. London: Routledge. Written by Chris Iveson, Evan George and Harvey Ratner in 2012 this book is still one of the most read books in the field and has been translated into German, Hungarian, Finnish and Danish.
Contact BRIEF by clicking here.
Chris Iveson shares his thinking about the notion of 'relationship' or perhaps of 'relating' in Solution Focused Practice.